Wayne and Tay

Wayne and Tay

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In the Feels: Strangers Giving To Other's Is The Best But When It's A Car?!

Earlier this year in Toledo, Ohio, Jimmy Preston was driving along during a snowstorm and passed John Brandeberry walking along the road, heading in to work.

Jimmy stopped and gave John a ride to his job at a grocery store.

During that ride, Jimmy learned that John didn’t have a car or a driver’s license.

So, Jimmy did something about it. He worked with a local charity group to help John take driving lessons and pass the test to get his license. Jimmy took things even one step further setting up a GoFundMe campaign to hook John up with a car.

It all worked out perfectly.

Between the money raised with the GoFundMe campaign and a donation from a local car dealer, John got a beautiful 2013 Toyota Rav4, along with six months of car insurance. The Rav4 even has a bike rack and a new bike, so John can get around anywhere and everywhere he wants to go.

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